Just before you get too comfortable in that beret and striped shirt combo, we're dragging you away in search of vineyards and a very special château. Rolling into the Beaujolais region of France amidst vineyards, we'll arrive at Contiki’s very own 16th century château. This might just be our most decadent accommodation yet, complete with newly-renovated bedrooms & bathrooms, an on-site nightclub, artwork in every room, a games room, and a powder room for makeup and hair. And we haven't even shown you the pool or the gardens yet! Tonight we'll start off with an included dinner and wine tasting here at the château, because, when in France... Please note: On occasion, certain departures will be moved from Contiki’s Château de Cruix to the French gastronomic capital of Lyon (a title which ain’t given lightly, believe us!) We’ll get the party started with an included meal at a local restaurant, accompanied by local wine.