Spend some time today exploring gorgeous Isla Santa Fe, where the sea lions are especially eager for synchronised swimming partners! The island’s friendly furry inhabitants, plus the attractive coves and jade-green waters, make it ideal for snorkelling.
Santa Fe also has a dense concentration of other wildlife and it’s a fantastic place to see many of the stars of the Galapagos in a relatively small area. Expect to see Galapagos hawks, land iguanas, a variety of finches, Galapagos mockingbirds, marine turtles, frigatebirds, Galapagos doves and lava lizards.
Hiking towards the cliffs will take you through a forest of prickly pear cacti, an unusual member of the cactus family that give the landscape a distinctive look. You might want to head out and explore one of the trails, spying iguana populations resting amid cacti. The island’s rugged southern cliffs are an excellent place to spot tropicbirds and swallow-tailed gulls, as well as the 'Gentlemen’s Club’, a gathering of male sea lions either too young or too old to be beachmasters! Tonight, visit the tiny islet of Plaza Sur, then sail overnight to Isla Espanola.