Over the next two days, you’ll be exploring a few islands at your group’s individualised pace. Spend your days lounging on the boat’s deck, swimming, eating out at local tavernas and watching sunset on the deck or the sands of a nearby beach. Visit remote Atokos – one of the most secluded of the Echinades Islands. The tiny islet is uninhabited except for a few goats that roam freely. There is the small chapel of St. John and the beach at One House Bay to explore. Visit Kastos, where you’ll find peaceful beaches and a simple island lifestyle. Kastos is one of the smallest of the Ionian islands, with only a few hundred people, making it the perfect spot if you’re looking for some relaxation and peace. Then, visit Ithaca – this beautiful island is famously the homeland of Odysseus (Ulysses), the hero of the Homeric poem Odyssey. Surrounded by lush vegetation, European architecture and the deep-blue sea, you’ll see why this place caused such inspiration.