It’s been short ‘n’ sweet, Lima. But we’ve got no time to waste! After breakfast, we’ll drive along the coast towards the rugged cliffs of the Paracas National Reserve.Are. You. Ready? Coastal scenery doesn’t get more stunning than this. We’ll take a tour of Peru's toasty coast, lined with rocky cliffs and bright blue waves. Oh, and if witnessing sea lions, penguins (and possibly even dolphins!) in their natural habitat sounds interesting to you - don’t miss out on a boat tour of the breathtaking Ballestas islands before we head to the final stop of the day. Legend says you can’t leave Peru without trying Pisco Sour. Luckily, a locally-guided Pisco vineyard tour is on the agenda today. Afterwards, we’ll check into our hostel (located right in the middle of a quaint little desert oasis!). Trust us, the sleep’s gonna hit different tonight.